Frozen Mini Tacos in Air Fryer (Time and Temp) With complete Guide

Do you want to know the best way to cook the different mini-frozen tacos? The air fryer gives you crunchy and crispy homemade tacos. These tacos bring a fun game day and are a great snack for teenagers on an extended school day. They can be served with different toppings that make them look healthier and fancier. Today, we will discuss making these frozen mini tacos in an air fryer. These take only a few minutes and can be a great alternative to homemade tacos.

Frozen Mini Tacos Air Fryer

There are several ways to cook mini tacos at home. If we make them in a microwave oven, they become tough and chewy. Cooking these frozen mini tacos in an air fryer makes them taste 100 times better. They are crispy and crunchy and taste the same as deep-fried tacos. Cooking them in the oven can also take a long time and do not even taste that good.

How To Make Tacos In Air Fryer?

How To Make Tacos In Air Fryer

Making tacos in an air fryer is a simple procedure. You need not to worry about preparation time. It barely takes 10 minutes, and they are ready to serve. First of all, pre-heat the air fryer for a few minutes only. You can use any model of the air fryer for making these. After the air fryer is heated, set the temperature at 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Cooking the tacos at high temperature makes them crispy, crunchy, and brown from the outside. But the inside is still tender and juicy. Also, check out how to cook mini corn dogs in an air fryer.

Place the mini tacos in the basket in the air fryer. Keep them inside for a total of 6 minutes. Flip the side after the first 3 minutes have passed. Always check the tacos in between because the power of an air fryer varies from model to model. Every air fryer has a different heating capacity. Once done, take them out and leave them to rest for a good 3-4 minutes. This makes them extra crispy and cheesier to eat. The air fryers work best for cheesy dishes like these tacos.

Where To Buy From?

A variety of frozen mini tacos are present in the market. You can find them in the market and order online as well. These are readily available at Trader’s Joe, Costco, Ralph’s, Kroger, Target, and Amazon. Many brands like Jose Ole, Don Miguel, Taco Bell, and Old El Paso make tacos that serve as great homemade snacks. Using these can save a lot of time and effort if you try to make them on your own.

Jose Osle Mini Tacos

Jose Osle Mini Tacos

Jose Ole is a well-known brand that makes frozen food items. They have a variety of snacks, including mini tacos. Using these can make the task a lot easier. These are frozen and perfect for making in an air fryer. They can be an ideal side dish. But buying the tacos according to the serving size and the number of people you have to feed is essential. The Jose Osle Mini Tacos are available in three serving sizes. They are present in 9oz, 12oz, and 18oz packaging.

Take any air fryer and place it onto a flat surface. Preheat the air fryer for a couple of minutes. You can even skip this step if you want, as there are no hard and fast rules to make tacos. But heating the air fryer beforehand will give them a crispy flavor. This is a beneficial trick whenever you make frozen items as they become more crunchy and taste even better. Place the Jose Ole mini tacos in the air fryer for 3 to 5 minutes at 400 degrees F.

Make sure you place the tacos in a single layer, and they are not crowded. If they do not fit the air fryer’s basket, make them in multiple batches. The space in between them helps the air circulate evenly throughout. If you want to cook many tacos in a single go, use air fryer racks placed on one another. These give more space and even allow the air to pass through them.

Don Miguel Frozen Mini Tacos

Don Miguel Frozen Mini Tacos

The Don Miguel Frozen Mini Tacos are the best snack to keep the hunger away. The chicken and two cheese flavors have a Mexican flair to them. These are great snacks that have good quality and convenient for the users. They can create big flavors in small taco shells. These mini frozen tacos are easy to make by using three different methods. The steps are the same as they were for the Jose Osle Mini Tacos. These are great snacks that can work as appetizers before a large meal. Also read, how to make frozen egg rolls in an air fryer.

What To Serve With Tacos?

The frozen air-fried tacos on their own taste delicious, but you need to dress them up with additional fixings. These can be guacamole or greens, depending on your taste. Vegetables can always be an excellent addition to any of the snacks. These are very filling, and the smooth texture makes a great combination with the crunchy brown taco. The lettuce and the salsa can also add to the taste of the tacos.

Additional cheese can be added that melts into the mouth along with the chicken or beef filling. Try to make homemade creams or toppings with your tacos. These are healthy and less salty than what is available in the market. Hence they can nourish the taste and can be made according to your preference. Tomatoes, shredded lettuce, and olives can also be a great addition to the crunchy air-fried tacos.

Cooking Sprays/Oil

When making tacos in an air fryer, there is no need to grease the basket with oil or use cooking spray. The air fryer requires no oil to make any of the frozen items. You only need to make sure the temperature is accurate. If the tacos have any ground meat, set the temperature to 165 degrees F. This makes sure that everything is cooked well and juicier.

Benefits Of Frozen Mini Tacos

Benefits Of Frozen Mini Tacos

Easily Available

Frozen mini tacos are readily available in the market. You can buy these on your monthly or weekly grocery trips to the store. This is convenient for people who have limited access and cannot run to an upscale food store to get these. A wide variety of different flavors are present. You can choose these according to what you like eating and how much you need.

Low Cost

Frozen mini tacos are an affordable snack that everyone can enjoy. If you estimate the cost, a 6-serving packet will cost almost $3, which is impressive. These are way more affordable than what you might plan on making at home. You will have to spend a lot of time and energy making these mini tacos from scratch.

Vegetarian Tacos

Tacos are one of the few snacks that vegetarian people can also enjoy. Bean and cheese tacos are vegetable-friendly, and you can easily find them. Make sure you check the ingredients before buying the vegetable frozen tacos. The air-fried vegetable tacos are very crispy and crunchy and can be enjoyed with different toppings.

Frequently Asked questions

The Jose Ole mini tacos are cooked in the air fryer for 3 to 5 minutes. You need to pre-heat the oven and check the tacos in between. Flipping the side when you are halfway through according to the total cooking time is recommended.

Several methods can be used to cook frozen mini tacos. They can be cooked in a microwave oven, deep fryer, or air fryer. The best and the healthiest method is to make them in an air fryer. They are crispier and taste delicious on their own as well.

Frozen air-fried tacos have a straightforward cooking method. You need to pre-heat an air fryer for a few minutes and place the tacos in them. Set the temperature at 400 degrees F and let them in for almost 6 minutes. Do flip the sides after 3 minutes so that they are cooked evenly.

The Trader Joe’s mini tacos can be ready in only 15 minutes. You need to grab a few ingredients and assemble them in the tortilla. Add some seasonings and place them in an air fryer for 5 to 6 minutes only. Take them out when brown and leave them for a few minutes for that extra crispiness.


Several factors affect how frozen mini tacos are cooked in an air fryer. These can vary in size, and thickness and you need to adjust the cooking time in the air fryer accordingly. Try to fill just a single layer and place them evenly in the basket, so they get cooked properly. You can use them as healthy snacks by adding more proteins and vegetables that even help you keep full for a longer time. Hence you can have a taco Tuesday on any day in the week.

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